
如今数字化转型并不新鲜,事实上它已经在 CIO 的议程上至少持续 35 年。尽管数字化这个词由于近几年的过度使用和误用而沦为流行语,但事实上称职的 CIO 每天都在做数字化转型。






3、数字化转型没有固定期限——数字化转型不会在 3 个月、6 个月或 18 个月内完成,它永远不会结束。

4、数字化转型很难——根据BCG 数据表明,大约只有 30% 的企业数字化转型成功。

5、数字化转型很重要——未来一定是以数字化为主,这是毋庸置疑的。作为未来学家 Gerd Leonhard 宣称,“现实生活正在淡出人们现有的生活方式。”






1、花更多的时间在制定策略上。根据学术研究表明,领导者们大约每 5 小时中有 1 小时应当用在制定公司策略上。而根据组织管理中心数据显示,领导者们平均每天在讨论战略和规划上仅花费25分钟。

2、谨防合规陷阱。 在美国,大约有 12% 的GDP 用于监管市场合规性上。面对巨大的不确定性,许多组织基本上已经放弃了制定战略,而是决定将监管合规作为制定战略的替代。

3、拥抱不确定性。 坦诚的未来主义者认为,未来无法预测,但可以为之做好准备。



Digital transformation isn’t new. Indeed, it has been on the CIO’s agenda for at least 35 years.

I assisted in designing and stage-managing my first symposium on digital transformation in 1987. The keynote speakers were the CEO at the emerging technology supplier and the Chairman/CEO at one of the world’s largest and most technologically sophisticated financial institutions.


Learn from your peers: Check out our State of the CIO report on the challenges and concerns of CIOs today. | Find out the 7 skills of successful digital leaders and the secrets of highly innovative CIOs.


The messages delivered from both the supply and demand sides of the tech industry back then were not terribly different from those currently pulsing through podcasts, webinars, zoom calls, and analyst whitepapers today.

This doesn’t mean there has been no progress.

Despite the term itself having been relegated to buzzword status, a result of decades of overuse and misuse, the fact is digital transformation is THE thing great CIOs do, every day.

6 truths about digital transformation

After over three decades of hard work, we’ve learned a lot about what digital transformation is and what it is not. Here’s a summary:

Digital transformation is not digitalization—digitalization is applying new technologies to existing business processes.

Digital transformation is not a strategy—a strategy has an end point, a set of tactics designed to achieve that end point, and a timeline.

Digital transformation is not a fixed duration project—digital transformation isn’t achieved in three months, six months or 18 months; it never ends.

Digital transformation is hard—BCG data indicates that only about 30% of transformation initiatives succeed.

Digital transformation is important—indeed it is existential; the future is digital. As fellow futurist Gerd Leonhard pithily proclaims, “Real-life is out.”

Digital transformation is less about upgrading the at-scale technology stack and more about upgrading your strategic thinking.

IT strategy in the digital age

From a macro standpoint, everything that the internet did to the music industry is now happening to every other industry. The path forward begins with strategy and strategy begins with conversations—conversations with customers, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders.

We need to stop talking about digital transformation and start paying more attention to the conversations taking place throughout (and outside) the enterprise.

Dr. Karen Stephenson, one of the great seminal thinkers of this century advocates identifying, analyzing, and augmenting these conversations to create maps showing the “ropes” of the institution (i.e., how things really work), as compared to the org chart, which describes an institution’s “rules.”

Anthropologists and sociologists will tell you that humans pathologically sort themselves (and others) into categories. It is via conversations that such categorizations reveal themselves. Rendering these categorizations explicitly is the starting point of the path to the future.

4 steps for leading through transformation

Thirty-plus years of digital transformation has provided a rich data set of how workplace populations react to technology change. We know there is a digital ethnography of sorts. There are digital natives, workers who grew up with digital tools; digital immigrants, workers who are open to learning and changing; and digital refugees, workers who aggressively avoid digital tools. Each group needs tailored leadership.

Spend more time on strategy. A compendium of academic research regarding where work time is spent indicates that executives currently spend roughly one hour of every five on strategy. Executives need to spend more time on strategy. The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness estimates that the average leader spends 25 minutes per day on strategy and planning.

Beware the compliance trap. In the U.S., roughly 12% of GDP is spent on regulatory compliance. Faced with massive uncertainties, many organizations have essentially given up on crafting strategy, deciding instead that regulatory compliance will be a surrogate for strategy. Does anyone really want to work in a company whose core skill is compliance?

Embrace uncertainty. Honest futurists will admit that modern forecasts are no more accurate than the auguries generated by ancient gizzard squeezers seeking to advise Roman generals when and where the Visigoths might attack. The future cannot be predicted, but it can be prepared for. It is possible to be on the right side of major trends.

The path forward requires setting in place processes for identifying early signals of change (some call this Pivot Hunting.) Upon recognizing inflection points, one needs to take advantage of them. The owner of a set of underground parking facilities in Paris, recognizing that parking spots were not required when workers were not commuting into work, pivoted and converted the lightless underground facilities into organic mushroom farms.

Tell a story. We live in a confusing world. Employees and customers need a personalized message explaining where you were, where you are now, and where you are going.

本文主要内容转载(或原作者)出自Thornton May,仅供广大读者参考,如有侵犯您的知识产权或者权益,请联系我提供证据,我会予以删除。

CXO联盟(CXO union)是一家聚焦于CIO,CDO,cto,ciso,cfo,coo,chro,cpo,ceo等人群的平台组织,其中在CIO会议领域的领头羊,目前举办了大量的CIO大会、CIO论坛、CIO活动、CIO会议、CIO峰会、CIO会展。如华东CIO会议、华南cio会议、华北cio会议、中国cio会议、西部CIO会议。在这里,你可以参加大量的IT大会、IT行业会议、IT行业论坛、IT行业会展、数字化论坛、数字化转型论坛,在这里你可以认识很多的首席信息官、首席数字官、首席财务官、首席技术官、首席人力资源官、首席运营官、首席执行官、IT总监、财务总监、信息总监、运营总监、采购总监、供应链总监。


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发布于 2023-01-04 16:01:07
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